Thursday, August 11, 2011

Paparazzi Amuses Me Sometimes

Dear Paparazzi,

You will likely never find any dirt on Weird Al because he is so squeaky clean he doesn't even use my mum's favourite swear words in his music or his unbelievably awesome UHF movie. 'Bout all you'll get of interest is an unauthorized peek at his daughter's face, which I bet he is non-too-pleased about. Cut it out. Go bother Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton instead. They're probably savvy enough to know what makes you give them all this attention.

Besides that, the worst drug-related thing Weird Al has done was puff a clove cigarette in order to make a smoke-effect for his UHF video, and he has a rather upbeat outlook of life - so upbeat in fact that his other girlfriends often wondered why he was so darned happy all the time. Stop it. Just find someone else to bug.

(Yeah, I know, this is coming from someone who walked up to Al, and hugged and kissed him while he was performing. Shaddup.)

- Jenna da Capo

(yup, I know it may be old hat but it just amazes me at how these people are just trying to snoop around in the personal lives of celebrities who tend to be low key and don't do anything stupid.)

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