Friday, February 27, 2009

Sai Paint Tool

Sai Paint Tool is a welcome change from those Photoshop-type graphic editors. When all you want to do is draw and design, Photoshop or the GIMP(Gnu Image Manipulation Program) are fine, but some of the tools are downright frustrating to use. For example, the smear tool only works smoothly at smaller sizes, but make it too large and smudging with it will take a long time. The smudge/smear tools in Photoshop and most other programs like it take too much memory, especially when larger.

The Opencanvas style programs are a different story, with a less memory-consuming blur/smear tool. The bur and smear settings can be adjusted, and are as smooth as silk even in the larger sizes. With Sai, you can make your own brushes, including watercolour, brush, pencil, and marker. The tool types are few, but their options will allow you to customize them in many ways.

You can even make your own palette, work with some textures and layer options, and even select with a special selection brush. For the layer options, you can make a bitmap(like Photoshop) or vector(like Illustrator) layer. Layers can be grouped into sets and masked with special 'layer masks', and even duplicated. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and are worth checking out!

For Opencanvas, check out the commercial version here.
The free version can be found here.

For Sai Paint Tool, it can be downloaded and purchased here and here.